Presenting The Red Shift, The Blue Halo And how secular Western Science completely ignores one of them! What follows is an
excerpt from Chapter One of the book:
Chapter 1
A New Look at Human History On the Origin of the Earth Brief Analysis of Prevailing Theories, including the Big Bang, Intelligent Creation, Ancient Astronaut theories, and more... When it comes to the origins of the Earth as we know it, in the western world we basically have two opposing views on the origins of the Earth and life there upon. In the secular, non-religious world, most people fall back on some variation of the basic Big Bang/ Evolution theory. In the religious and fringe world, we have Intelligent Design and/or one of its derivatives that run the gamut from the simple, “God just spoke it into being,” idea, to the “Ancient Alien Astronauts seeded life on Earth (for this or that reason),” end of the spectrum. Outside of western circles, you have all sorts of fantastical origin stories, most of them also somehow involving gods or beings that intelligently create the universe and life within it. Let’s discuss each basic idea briefly in order to lay the background for our story.
In between each of these explosions and the trillions of year’s life-span of each cycle, evolution in some form takes over and spawns life all over again in that cycle’s universe. This is Big Bangism and Evolution in a nutshell. For the Big Bang part of their theory, they have scientifically-sound, radio-isotope dating methods that appear to back up the idea of an incredibly old Earth and Universe. They have the red-shift idea of light travel to back them up too, another a scientifically provable fact of light. And they have the speed of light itself, also scientifically ascertainable, to support them as well. As for the Evolution piece of the puzzle, its proponents invent all sorts of math and statistics to uphold their theory, which do seem, at face value, to support it. They have each step figured out, and the math to show how statistically, that step was possible (even if improbable). So at face value, the Big Bang/Evolutionary theory of the origin of life and the universe, does seem to have some merit, and might, might, be what actually happened.
Beyond this point, Intelligent Design ideas differ though. Some believe that the Earth and universe are both very young, and that the creation account in the Judeo-Christian Bible is completely literal, happened about 6200 years ago (as of our Gregorian Calendar year 2020), and that God somehow magically just gave it all the appearance of old age. A second group within the Intelligent Design camp says that the Jewish God, or some other god or group of gods, actually created the universe itself many many eons ago, but that He (or she) only got around to doing the life-creation side of things about 10,000 ~ 100,000 years ago, give or take. Some of them point to the first several verses of the Bible in the book of Genesis where it says that, “the Earth was formless and void,” and then appears to leave the door open after that to an indeterminable amount of time between that moment, and the moment when God (or somebody) actually started the creation process by creating light on the first day of creation. Hence, a very old earth and universe, but very young created life without evolution. A third camp within this group tries to accept both Big Bangism and Creationism by marrying the two, saying simply that God Himself (or some other higher power) lights the fuse for each Big Bang cycle, and nudges evolution along where necessary within each cycle in order to get to where we are today, with intelligent and complex life. The creation story to them is in essence a series of evolutionary snapshots spanning millions of years for each “day” of creation listed in the Bible. In a nutshell, these ideas sum up most of the ideas currently taught or accepted around the western world today regarding the origin of life and the universe. Let’s start by analyzing in a general way each of these four basic ideas, whether or not they are each truly supportable by science, and then I’ll present which I believe to be the most accurate picture, and then we can go from there. 1. Big Bangism/ Evolution ![]() This red shift of light is in fact, a very real thing. It is the same thing that happens with a police car with its siren on, goes by you on the street. As it approaches you, the siren is at one pitch. And when it passes you, the siren drops in pitch, and then drops again as it starts going away from you. The faster the police car is going, the more pronounced the drop in pitch. This is called the Doppler Effect after the guy who documented it and condensed it down to mathematics. ![]() The problems begin when you start to try to analyze the spectral lines of galaxies, especially distant ones. There are so many stars involved, many of them with slightly or even radically different spectral lines, that the individual spectral lines from the galaxy as a whole begin to get fuzzy, and overlap. Soon, the farther away you go, and/or the bigger the galaxy, there just aren't any individually discernible spectral lines to even see any more. The ones that ARE there, could actually be absorption lines of dust between here and there, not even emission lines of the galaxies and stars themselves. So what do they do? In simplistic terms, they just measure the amount of red light, versus blue light, and the ratio of each to each other, coming from that distant object. (Spoiler alert. Herein lies one of big bang's fatal flaw.) When astronomers first started analyzing light from distant galaxies back when telescopes started getting bigger and bigger, they noticed that the light from more and more galaxies appeared to be red-shifted (both more red light than blue light, and red shifted spectral lines). In fact, the farther way the galaxy, the more red-shifted they appeared. To top things off, they only found a handful of galaxies that appeared to be blue-shifted at all, all of them relatively close, in our local neighborhood (apparently coming towards us). The obvious conclusion of this is that the universe itself is expanding, and that the Earth itself must be very near the initial point of expansion, or initial explosion / Big Bang. So it all sorta makes sense. And the scientific establishment, led by several scientific heavyweights, latched onto it and began to build a framework around it, building a house of cards supported by mathematics and dogma. The biggest single card (there are several) supporting the entire big bang edifice is the assumption that there are no other explanations, other than the expansion of the universe, that can explain this observed red shift of light. But this is faulty logic. And if there are other, better, more logical explanations for the red-shift that we see, then suddenly the whole Big Bang idea comes crashing down. Let’s look at several major problems with, and alternate explanations for, the red shift of light that we do indeed seem to see from all these distant celestial objects. I’m sure there are more, but I figured these would be enough to establish the fact that there are better explanations for the observed red-shift of light that we see from distant objects, other than the assumption that the universe is expanding. 1. I find it very suspicious that Earth itself should be at the center of the original big bang. But that’s what the logic says. If it were not, we should see a much more pronounced red shift of light in one direction where stuff is supposedly accelerating away from us faster, than in the direction towards where the original explosion happened, where stuff is falling behind us (and thus appears to be moving/accelerating away from us, just slower than in the other direction). But we don’t. The supposed acceleration around us seems to be fairly uniform in all directions. Of all the trillions upon trillions of possible locations for the earth to come into being in the big bang explosion, how did we end up at dead center? Statistically, that’s so improbable as to be ludicrous. 2. If the universe is truly expanding as postulated, and we are at its ground zero center, there shouldn’t be any blue-shifted galaxies of galaxies careening our direction. But there are, several of them in fact, including the Andromeda Galaxy, a much bigger galaxy than our own Milky Way. And they pretty much all happen to be fairly close to us already, cosmologically speaking. That has always struck me as odd and suspicious, if the big bang actually happened, that the only blue shifted galaxies we see are relatively close to us. We shouldn't see any at all! 3. I also find it incredibly funny/suspicious that every time they build a bigger telescope and discover that they still can’t find the end or edge of the universe or the big bang, the age of the universe suddenly gets shifted up again. The logic is that if we can see the light from a mature galaxy 20 billion light years away, then the universe must be at least that old for the light from that already mature galaxy to have actually reached us. Thus, when the next bigger telescope comes up and suddenly discovers a galaxy even farther away, the age of the universe suddenly shifts with it again. I always found that suspicious.
This applies to astronomical scales and objects as well. This partly explains why astronomers have been puzzled by the “fact” that the farther away objects appear to be, the faster they appear to be accelerating away from us, when measuring the red to blue ratio. It’s not because they are actually accelerating and red-shifting their light, it’s because the farther away they are, the more blue frequencies have been filtered out of their light rays by the sparse cosmic dust that is known to drift through the universe. Twenty billion light years is easily enough distance for the blue light from objects that far away to be filtered out by dust and completely blocked from ever even reaching us, leaving behind only red “shifted” frequencies of light. This also directly ties in with the blue halo effect we were talking about earlier. The blue halo effect actually has two sources, both gravity lensing, and dust dispersion and scattering. Blue light is not only bent by gravity and blocked by dust particles, it is also dispersed by even smaller dust particles that simply aren’t big enough to block blue frequencies completely. They make the blue light “foggy,” for lack of a better word. And working together, both gravity lensing and dust dispersion/ blocking insure that the blue frequencies of light from distant celestial objects never reach us, thus leading the big bang scientists of yesteryear (and today), to jump to conclusions and incorrectly assume that the light is red-shifted just from the Doppler effect (by looking at the red to blue ratio) and thus accelerating away from us. It’s just plain bad logic to assume that just because we see more red light than blue from distant objects, that it’s accelerating away from us.
Imagine my intense gratification, of when I went to verify this logic on the internet, and found numerous references across the net, in photography circles in particular, to this blue halo. It’s the nemesis of astro-photographers. They hate it. It makes their pictures appear out of focus. So they make, buy, and sell several different varieties of blue light filters to get rid of this hazy blue halo that shows up around many many distant glowing objects. This is why most normal star pics of distant objects you see do NOT show the blue halo. Astro-photographers often use the blue light filter to get cleaner, sharper images of distant objects. Key word - DISTANT. Some examples I found just by googling the internet:
Does anyone else see where this is going? Look at it this way. The blue halo is real. Anyone can see it. Countless pictures of it exist. The blue halo effect affects 100% of distant celestial objects, depending on the amount of dust and number of gravity fields between here and there. 100%. Let me repeat that. 100%. After enough distance, the blue halo then just simply fades away and isn’t even visible anymore because it has been so dispersed by both gravity and cosmic dust, leaving behind only red-“shifted,” light frequencies. 7. And here’s the final kicker. Gravity. We’ve alluded to this several times already. But there’s another obvious interplay at work here, that big bang scientists simply ignore, don’t talk about, or maybe haven’t even thought of, I’m really not sure which. Sometimes, we can still clearly see the hydrogen spectral line even in the light from distant galaxies, since hydrogen makes up the vast majority of the contents of most stars and galaxies, anywhere. So obviously, scientists are going to use the shift in this spectral line to measure the red shift of light from that distant galaxy, versus just analyzing the ratios of how much red or blue light there is. But remember how we mentioned black holes that slow down light? The same thing applies to light coming to us from distant locations. A photon of light coming to us from a distant galaxy is going to pass countless gravity wells on its way to us. We already mentioned this as one of the sources of the defocused blue halo, because of gravity prisming. Similarly, every single gravity source that that photon passes through or past on its way to us, will slow it down a tiny bit, overall. The photon does recover its initial speed upon exiting the gravity field, BUT the photon gives up energy in doing so - so its frequency drops slightly. It has to, or it breaks the Laws of Thermodynamics. Higher frequency light has more intrinsic energy than low frequency light. We even see this in our local everyday world in the little LED lights that festoon our electronics. Blue LED's require up to double or more voltage to turn on than red LED's. But the point remains. In order for a photon to escape a gravity well, it gives up energy in the form of frequency shifting - yep, you guessed it - towards the red. It's a red-shift due to gravity (spectral lines included), NOT in any way related to the Doppler Effect. Incidentally, this is also why radio waves can escape some black holes, when light can't. The radio waves started out as light, but in escaping the intense gravity of the black hole, the light gives up so much energy in the form of frequency, and is thus so red shifted, that in finally escaping, the light turns into much lower frequency radio waves, no longer visible as light that we can see with our eyes. So.... Logically, the farther away the galaxy is, the lower the frequency the photon is going to have when it finally reaches us, based on the cumulative effects of all the gravity wells it has passed through on its way to get to us. Thus, the farther away the photon’s source is, the farther to the left and into the red the hydrogen spectral line IS going to be gravity red-shifted, whether or not the object is moving away from us or maybe even towards us. (It could be moving towards but if the gravity red-shift was more pronounced than the Doppler blue-shift in the other direction, a big banger might (would) automatically assume it was moving away!)
Let's revisit a maybe disconcerting fact that we've alluded to several times now... A distant galaxy moving towards us very fast, fast enough to overcome the gravity red-shift effect, could have its Infrared light (invisible light right below red) blueshifted up into the visible red spectrum, such that one of the normal infrared hydrogen spectral lines roughly overlays the normal red spectrum spectral line, while all of the red light and spectral lines from the original source are likewise blue shifted up and then faded out. So the object, could actually be careening towards us on a direct collision course, and because of faulty bigbang red shift logic, we might think it was moving away. Think about that! It all boils down to this. We can’t prove for one second that the universe is expanding! So for scientists to automatically assume, and then teach as fact, that the absence of the blue light frequencies and blue-shifted spectral lines coming to us from distant objects “proves” an expanding universe and the big bang, because of the incorrectly understood red-shift Doppler Effect, it’s both incredibly ignorant, and borderline criminal. It’s bad logic, it’s bad science, and it’s fundamentally unethical for them to teach a big bang expanding universe idea based on the red-shift of light and the Doppler Effect, while simultaneously ignoring the blue halo effect and gravity red-shifting. We simply can’t prove the universe is expanding! Thus the idea of a big bang becomes a moot point, not even worth discussing anymore. So if the universe is not expanding (since it would be illogical to assume that it is when we can’t prove it to be so), that kind of wipes out both the big bang/ evolution theory, and the idea that God might have lit off the fuse for each big bang (that we can’t even prove happened).
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Current condensed outline of the rough draft of the book as currently written (almost done!)... 1. Human History a. On the Origin of the Earth and Universe i. On the nature of light, time, gravity, and physical laws 1. The Red Shift and the Blue Halo 2. Light and Time 3. Who created God? b. Original Earth c. Original world/culture, and the start of history d. A Global Flood and why there are not one, but two, arks e. The Tower of Babel, Aliens, Interplanetary War, and the Origin of the Asteroid Belt f. Treaties and Division of the Earth g. Global Nuclear War and Joseph's Famine h. How both the flood and the war(s) now affect and skew radioactive dating methods j. Impact of the flood and war(s) on the off-world colonies and aliens in general k. Advanced civilization before and after the flood, and before and after the war l. The fire(s) of Alexandria, and other destructions of written records and ancient knowledge 2. The thread running through all of it...
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